Online Testing Options
Annual testing is a requirement of Washington State Homeschool Law, but
figuring out how to meet requirements can be confusing and overwhelming,
especially for new homeschool families.
That's what this page is for - we want to make it easy to find
testing options that work well for your family.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION - check back regularly for updates.
Homeschool Testing Services is an online testing service offering the CTP online assessment or the Stanford-10 online assessment. Their website includes step-by-step instructions on how to register for different testing options and has a number of helpful videos to help with making the decision.
If you are interested in having your testing services highlighted here,
please email us at [email protected] with "testing vendor" in the subject line.
We do reserve the right to choose which vendors to include on our website and
priority will be given to those organizations with which we have existing partnerships.
please email us at [email protected] with "testing vendor" in the subject line.
We do reserve the right to choose which vendors to include on our website and
priority will be given to those organizations with which we have existing partnerships.